Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not Ashamed

This past Monday, I presented my "senior thesis" at my school. This is the culmination of our high school career: Twenty-five pages detailing what we believe makes "the good life," presenting twelve of those pages to whatever poor soul loves you enough to come hear you talk for an hour, and answering questions about your thesis.

And of course, I talked about Jesus. Specifically, a poured-out life, first before God, then before man. Several people were sweet enough to tell me they liked it; and just as many people told me how much courage it took.

Why has Jesus' Name become a taboo? Why is the only One who has the power to save all of humanity relegated to Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, and the occasional holiday? Why is speaking the Name of Jesus Christ and telling about His power to save something that appears to require notable courage?

Of course, I know all the historical and cultural reasons for that. But still, why do those of us who have been given the power and the spirit of Christ remain silent? Why can we not allow ourselves to be even a little uncomfortable? Why are we so afraid of being judged when we know that the only Judge who matters aches for us to share His life with a broken world?

Why are we ashamed of Someone who's so awesome?

We were designed to "bubble over with Jesus joy" (yes, I'm quoting myself), not just sit around believing in Jesus. When we have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus, He instills that desire in us to go tell about it! Not necessarily specific, private details, but the fact that other people can have this too.

Do not be silent. Speak up for your God. It's the most elating experience in the world. Nothing tops telling people about Jesus. Really. He has given you the tools you need to be able to share His life, so share it!! Fall more in love with Him, and He'll help you. Let your passion for Jesus make you unable to keep your mouth shut!

Of course, that doesn't mean that we should force our beliefs on other people. You can tell them about Jesus once, or twice, however many times they seem receptive to it... But then just tell them with your life. Actions speak so much louder than words. Let Jesus do the talking in their life.

"I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone that believes...."