Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lessons from Gideon

I've never really been an Old Testament girl. My Bible has always looked rather lopsided, with the New Testament well-worn and heavily underlined and the Old sitting sad and lonely with the majority of the marks of its use in Psalms. However, for my Old Testament college course, I am required to read a little under two-thirds of the OT. I made it through the Books of the Law with a little bit of difficulty, but I certainly learned things about our Lord's holiness. And the fact that He deeply cares about people who have accidentally killed someone (seriously, it's in there at least five times -- what a heart He has to protect them!).

A few days ago, my reading brought me to Judges. When I came to the story of Gideon, it was tempting to skim the story so that I could simply refresh my memory and get through more pages. But the Holy Spirit urged my heart to slow down and absorb every single line and verse of what I was reading. (This really has nothing to do with the point of this post, I just love the way God brings certain things to my attention -- He loves me, He loves me!)

Gideon had an enormous calling. He was called to rescue Israel from the hands of their enemies, the Midianites. And, like so many of us, he did not feel qualified for this calling. "But Lord," he protested, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family!"

I hear echoes of Gideon's protests in my own prayers. "I'm not old enough." "I'm not wise enough." "I'm not smart enough." "I don't have enough money." "I'm not very good at that; I really feel my gifting is in another area."

And here's what God says.

"Go in the strength you have and save Israel."

Not, "Oh, golly gee Gideon, you're right. I didn't think of that. I'll go find someone else. You keep hiding in your wine press."

Not, "Whoa, I see what you mean -- you're scrawny! Drop down and give me twenty! Bulk up a bit, and I'll come back when your biceps are big enough to handle this calling."

No. Not, "Go get more strength."

"Go in the strength you have."

Take what you have already... Give it to Me... And I will do the rest.

And then, to seal the deal, He reminds Gideon of something very important.

"Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"

Can't you see it? Why would you doubt? Why would you believe this is impossible? Are you forgetting who it is that asked you to go?

Is it not the Creator of the Universe who calls us?

The Almighty Savior who conquered death?

The ever-present Friend who longs to be near and hear our every prayer?

Is it not an all-powerful, loving, beautiful LORD who sends us?

"I will be with you," He continues, "and you will strike down all the Midianites."

All of them.

And He will be with us!

Do not wait, my friend, and do not worry! Do not consider yourself unqualified! Go in the strength you have -- and He will fight for you. Step out in faith, willing to be used, no matter how small and insignificant you feel. (Not only did Gideon feel unqualified, but once he obeyed anyway, God actually made him decrease the number of fighting men he had with him!)

If I had enough strength to do things on my own, this life would be about me. But it's not about me. It's about Him.

So I commit to the strength I have. Not worrying about tomorrow. Not worrying about failure. May we claim the victory that has already been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. May we live in the freedom won by the Cross, sealed by our Commander in heaven!