Friday, January 13, 2012

Me and Tebow

I believe something insane.

You're going to laugh at me (but probably not "LOL." More just "L." Inside.). You might roll your eyes, and write me off as proving myself to be an ordinary female in the year 2012. But I promise I'm perfectly sane in the clinical sense of the word, and that I have a point, so please bear with me.

I believe that, if He wanted to, God could arrange a marriage between me and Tim Tebow.

No, this does not mean I'm going to write "MARRY ME TIMMY" on his Facebook wall. I shall not have "Future Mrs. Tebow" shirts made. I even promise that not a single line in my prayer journal will say anything even remotely along the lines of, "Please help Tim realize that he's perfect for me, and that we're meant to be.... Now if only You'd arrange for me to meet him...."

I could have also used Josh Groban as an example. Last year, I would've used Michael Buble, but he's what we like to call "taken" (every happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Buble!). You could insert pretty much any (single) famous (male) person in this scenario, and I would still believe the same thing. If He wanted to, God could do it.

But my point is this: No offense to Mr. Tebow, but God has someone better in mind for me. In fact, He has someone better in mind for everyone...except the real future Mrs. Tebow. At the end of my life, I won't look at my husband and say, "Gee honey, you're great and all, but I would've been a lot happier in life if my last name started with 't,' ended with 'w' and had 'ebo' in the middle."

No, no, no. That's not the way God works.

"If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be?" I sometimes ask myself.

And then I answer myself, "My future husband."

Oh goodness, I don't know who he is. But he's perfect for me. He's better (for me) than Mr. Tebow, Mr. Groban, and anyone else you can come up with (my knowledge of eligible famous people is sorely lacking). That's just how Jesus rolls. And the same man who will be "best" for me would be "less than best" for you.

"If you settle for less than a man who is fully yielded and surrendered to the King of all kings, you settle for less than God’s best for you. You may not feel worthy of a noble, gallant, Christ-built Warrior Poet who will lay down his life for you. But this is exactly what Christ is to you. And this is exactly what He desires for you in an earthly prince" (Leslie Ludy).

I'm not saying these famous young men cannot be exactly this to a young woman one day. I'm very hopeful that with the platform they have been given, they will showcase the beauty of a Christ-centered love story that will inspire hundreds to pursue deeper intimacy with the Author of such beauty.

But Jesus wants the best for you. And He knows what that is. He knows who that is.

And for all but one woman...that's not Tim Tebow. (Unless he's called to singleness!)

So that's why I'm not going to come to God tonight pleading to meet the young QB. I'm going to come to Him and stand for the man He actually has for me. I'm going to intercede for his purity, his relationships with others, and his relationship with Christ. I'm going to pray for an attitude of absolute givenness to Jesus, and I will pray the same for me.

Because as many times as I walk away from an article about Tim Tebow exclaiming, "He's such a good guy!"...I know that whoever Jesus has for me is a pretty good guy, too.