I love the cliches that single people get to hear around Valentine's Day. Now, I'm not trying to be unkind to anyone who says these sorts of things. In fact, I believe many of them to be completely, wonderfully true, and yes, I've probably "encouraged" single girls with them (between text messages from a boyfriend -- sorry ladies). However, I shall give my unfiltered, gut reactions, because let's be honest -- true as they are, in the moment we're feeling lonely, they really don't help. Let's look at some of these cliches and their typical responses, shall we?
Number 1: It's okay, one day your prince will come!
Well, that's all fine and dandy, Miss In-A-Perfect-Relationship, but in case you haven't noticed, "someday" is not "today," and saying that he'll be here one day is about like telling a famine victim that they should be happy with the thought that one day, their food will come. I'll probably die before he ever gets here, so you just enjoy your Valentine's date.
Number 2: Valentine's Day is just another day. Like St. Patrick's Day or Secretary's Day. Or Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Day.
Ah, yes. Just another day. A day when people post gushy statuses about their significant others on Facebook. A day when I have to take pictures of my friends as they prepare for their romantic dinner. A day that was designed specifically to remind me, and only me, of my single, alone, destitute condition. Oh, that's totally normal. I mean, I wear hearts and paint my nails princess pink every day -- don't you?
Number 3: Serve others on Valentine's Day.
Ehhhh... Sounds great and all, but then I'd have to leave the house, put on clothes, abandon this really delicious mint chocolate cookie ice cream, and see all the people staring at each other longingly anticipating their date. I mean, I know it'd make me happy, but that's just too much effort...
Number 4: Valentine's Day is a great reminder that singleness is a wonderful opportunity to prepare you for the day when you finally meet your future husband.
Here's the problem, my friend. People have been preparing me for the day I meet my future husband for years. But they've never prepared me for the day that I don't.
Number 5: Jesus is enough.
That one's sticky. You're just trying to make me feel bad, aren't you? So what, because I'm not jumping up and down out of joy for being single, I'm a horrible person? Are you saying I don't love Jesus?? Are you???
Even truth, in the midst of loneliness, doesn't always make us feel all hunky dory.
Truth is, Jesus is enough.
But I'm not going to tell you to go off, lock yourself in your closet and pray for seven hours on Valentine's Day (although that could be pretty cool...maybe you should).
I want you to take a challenge with me.
I want you to go to Jesus, still your heart before Him, and ask for a Valentine.
Don't be specific. Don't ask for a Camaro. And please, for goodness' sake, don't ask for a boyfriend (or girlfriend).
Let Him surprise you.
Ask for Him to open your eyes to something...anything...a special gift, hallmarked just for you, and signed by the Prince of Peace and Lord of Life Himself.
Ask Him for the best Valentine's Day gift ever.
And then look for it.
Be constantly asking, seeking, searching, looking. Notice the small things. Let your eyes be opened, your heart be softened.
And then at the end of the day, even if you didn't notice anything specific, you'll find, to your shock, that you spent the day in sweet communion with One who loves you better than life itself. Instead of moping, of wondering "when" "why" and "who," you shall find yourself in the midst of the greatest, most passionate and most important love relationship there ever was. And that, my friend, is a gift in and of itself.
"Bare heights of loneliness...a wilderness whose burning winds sweep over glowing sands, what are they to HIM? Even there He can refresh us, even there He can renew us." -Amy Carmichael